By Brad Brubaker

A vertical platform lift is basically a personal elevator. A platform is utilized that raises and lowers vertically the distance of a set of stairs, or areas of different elevations. In residential settings they are frequently used as a means of traversing those often narrow and treacherous porch steps. This is why you frequently hear them referred to as porch lifts. Regardless of what you call them, they are responsible for helping people from all over the world maintain the same quality of life that they are, and have been, accustomed to.

If you are thinking of purchasing a residential porch lift, there are several factors that should be considered. It is important to first consider the distance that must be spanned. Since a porch lift travels vertically, it is important that there is a suitable landing that can be used at the top of the stairs. It is also important to consider who will be using the vertical platform lift. This is in order to find one that will have the proper weight capacity. Include the weight of any mobility devices that will be used on the vertical platform lift when calculating your weight requirements. This includes mobility scooters, wheelchairs, and electric power chairs. Many people like to use the vertical platform lift with their loved one or their ward, so it is important to include the weight of all people who will be on the porch lift at any given time.


The distance that the porch lift can travel vertically varies by make and model. AmeriGlide, a leading manufacturer of home medical equipment, makes several different models of vertical platform lifts. They are an industry leader and make both residential and commercial platform lifts. One model that is very popular is the AmeriGlide Hercules. The Hercules can support up to 750 pounds, is weather proof, and features an auto-folding ramp. One of the reasons it is so popular is that it comes fully assembled. Installation pretty much involves putting the unit where you want it and securing it to the ground. It has a lifting height of 28 inches, which can be upgraded up to 72 inches.

Another popular model, also manufactured by AmeriGlide, is the Atlas Vertical Platform Lift. It supports 550 pounds and has a lifting height of 96 inches, which can be upgraded to 144 inches. It is weather proof and extremely well made, with a manual override available in case there is a power outage. This unit, in part because of its high standard lifting height and its dependability, is one of the most trusted and used vertical platform lift available today. It can be configured for straight through access, in which the occupant rides straight on and then straight off with out turning or it can be used in an adjacent access configuration.

A vertical platform lift can greatly increase mobility and allow you to retain your independence. For many it opens doors that were otherwise unreachable, both mentally and of course physically. Their modern look is a positive addition to most homes they are designed to work without fail in rain, snow, hail, sleet, and Sundays.

About the Author: Brad Brubaker has experience with most types of residential and commercial medical equipment. If you are interested in learning more about

residential porch lifts

like the

AmeriGlide Atlas

visit or call the folks at


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