By Richard Chapo

Dealing with the IRS when you owe back taxes is a fairly scary thing. The IRS realizes you do not want to talk with its agents and has come up with a solution.

Imagine picking up the phone, calling the IRS and telling them you have not paid taxes for a few years. In a poll of the scariest scenes from movies, that has to rank right up there with the stomach scene from Alien and so on. Truth be told, most people will put it off for as long as possible. Many will just stick their head in the sand and hope nothing ever comes of it.

The IRS realizes it has a big, bad reputation. It likes it. If people thought the IRS was friendly, how motivated would they be to actually pay their taxes? Not very! While the IRS likes to maintain this reputation, it does have a backlash impact. Taxpayers that get behind on their tax payments often do not move to resolve things because they fear the IRS ripping them apart if they act. This, of course, means the back taxes don’t get paid until the IRS takes action. It costs the IRS man hours it doesn’t have and puts otherwise law abiding citizens in a worse situation. After years of contemplating this situation, the IRS has come up with a possible answer.


If you owe back taxes to Uncle Sam, it is critical that you take voluntary action to resolve the problem. The IRS takes a much different view towards those who come forward versus those that hide. The IRS even has instituted payment plan programs to help voluntary reporters resolve their issue and get back into the system. The problem with these programs, however, was most taxpayers feared calling the IRS so much that they didn’t take advantage of them.

The IRS has now implemented a new online system for people that owe back taxes. Instead of speaking with an IRS agent, you can now go online and fill out an application for a payment plan to resolve your back taxes. To use the system, you must have filed all relevant tax returns, even if you couldn’t pay the actual tax. If you have not done this, you need to before applying online. Once you have the returns in, you will need to wait for a balance due notice from the IRS. You then go online and apply. You will need the balance due, your social security number, and a pin number that is on the balance due notice.

This new program is a very smart move by the IRS. Imagine resolving your tax problems without every talking to anyone at the agency! To access the program, just go to the IRS site.

About the Author: Richard A. Chapo is with – a free information resource on taxes.


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